
Today I became an aunty for the second time this year! My younger brother and his wife welcomed into the world a baby boy early this morning.

As 2020 comes to a close our family has plenty to give thanks for. While this year has been tough because of the pandemic, we have all adapted to the new norm in our own respective ways and continue to keep in contact virtually. As a family unit we have had more video calls this year than ever before, with some of them running for hours at a time! Though the physical distance is there, the emotional bond has gotten stronger. Seeing my nephews grow and also watching my brothers tackle parenthood is heartwarming, and I am so grateful to be a part of that. There will be struggles and tough times along the way but as a close-knit family we can get through it together.


I am currently in Aberdeen visiting my brother’s family and will be here for a few more days. It has been strange seeing my brother and his wife settle into parenthood and also for my parents to wade into grand-parenthood. My baby nephew is doing well and keeps everyone on their toes. He feeds a lot, poops a lot and definitely sleeps a lot! 

My brother’s flat isn’t the biggest size-wise. Two parents plus a baby, plus grandparents and grandmother (brother’s in-law), and it’s a FULL house! While I’m here I visit them but try not to spend all day there to give them some breathing room. My brother is currently working from home and my dad delivers sermons online in his work as a minister. Between the three mums they feed, change and soothe baby, and cook and clean the flat. Parenthood can be a testing time but I am sure they will embrace the challenges that come along the way.